Meet Barrie, Your Remedial Massage Therapist

I have become a passionate follower of well being. My philosophy is “have a break to repair oneself, to stop, to breathe, to reconnect with oneself: it’s essential”.

“Applying my hands and my techniques as a remedy to aches, pains, and dysfunctions is only one crucial element of how I work. Alone, this would be insufficient for a truly effective treatment. I am equally dedicated to creating a safe and calming space to allow the body to relax, furthering its ability to utilise a healing touch. Tension often starts in the environment around us; like a cold, we can often catch tension and stress from those around us. Considering this, I take pride in my amiable nature. I  bring a state of calm into every session, allowing for a deeper and more nurturing treatment.


My sessions focus on correcting musculoskeletal dysfunctions using a firm, deep and targeted treatment. The result I aim for is to stimulate the body's innate ability to heal itself, using a proven, outcome based approach. The physical and the emotional that make up the self are tethered. I aim to use my therapeutic remedial massage techniques upon the body to release blockages held both physically and emotionally.


I love my work, and truly have a passion for the healing power of massage."