Uniting Yoga and Remedial Massage: A Synergy for Enhanced Well-being

As a remedial and sports massage therapist, I've dedicated countless hours to stretching muscles, breaking down adhesions, and improving others' flexibility. Ironically, my own body is as inflexible as the worst cases I encounter – a predicament for massage therapists who can't massage themselves. It was this bodily rigidity that prompted me to explore the realm of yoga, and this article was born out of my quest to discover whether remedial massage could expedite my progress and enhance my overall yoga journey.

Remedial massage and yoga together make a potent combination for holistic wellness. By fusing breath, mindfulness, and body awareness, they create a powerful synergy, enhancing the physical and mental benefits of each practice. Current research supports these benefits, so let's delve into how incorporating remedial massage into your yoga routine can boost your wellness journey.

The Science behind the Synergy

Group of individuals practicing yoga in unison, symbolizing the synergy between yoga and remedial massage for holistic wellness

Remedial massage aims to identify and rectify body imbalances, which is also at the core of yoga. Providing targeted treatment for specific muscles, remedial massage alleviates tension and augments flexibility – crucial elements for an effective yoga practice.

Recent scientific studies back up these effects. A systematic review conducted by Best and his team demonstrated that remedial massage aids in easing muscular tension and boosting flexibility, leading to better yoga postures and a more comfortable practice.

Moreover, research indicates that remedial massage isn't just about muscle recovery. A study by Moraska et al. revealed that remedial sports massage could impact physiological mechanisms related to inflammation and mitochondrial biogenesis, affecting performance and recovery. In simpler terms, it means that remedial massage helps us recover better and faster.

How Remedial Massage Enhances Your Yoga Practice

As a remedial and sports massage therapist also starting out in yoga, I find mindfulness and body awareness practices useful during yoga sessions. The goal is to identify body areas limiting me from fully engaging in certain poses. These insights are then conveyed to my remedial massage therapist, shaping our treatment plan. However, it's crucial to remember that deep tissue remedial massage should ideally occur after yoga, not before, allowing your body time to recover from the therapeutic inflammation that happens during treatment. Always listen to your body and give it time to rest and heal. As I progress in my yoga journey, I monitor the changes in my limitations and how my body responds to different poses. This feedback enables my remedial treatment to evolve and synchronise with my yoga practice, fostering a holistic and integrative approach to both my practices.

Whether you're just venturing into yoga or you've mastered the most complex asanas, remedial massage offers something for you.

For Beginners: Starting a yoga practice can be both exhilarating and slightly daunting. Believe me, I understand what it's like to be a yoga novice, and when you're trying to contort and stretch your body in new ways, even a supposedly relaxing pose like Downward-Facing Dog can feel like a workout. Here's the good news - remedial massage can help! By targeting specific muscle groups and easing tension, remedial massage can dramatically improve your flexibility, making various poses more comfortable. A study by Best et al. further shows its crucial role in muscle recovery, helping you transition from a beginner to an intermediate practitioner faster.

For Intermediate Yogis: As your practice deepens, yoga postures become more challenging, imposing greater stress on the body. By incorporating remedial massage into your routine, you can manage this increased bodily demand, facilitate quicker recovery, reduce injury risk, and correct muscle imbalances.

For Advanced Practitioners: For those who've made yoga a lifestyle, you're likely to be pushing your body with more strenuous poses. Regular remedial massage can alleviate muscle tension, expedite recovery, and maintain optimal muscle health, ensuring your body continues to support your advanced practice.

Beyond the physical, the mental benefits of yoga and remedial massage are equally significant. Both practices foster mindfulness and body awareness, aiding in the cultivation of a deeper mind-body connection.

In Practice: The Role of Remedial Massage in Specific Yoga Poses

Individual performing the Downward Dog yoga pose, demonstrating the flexibility and muscle engagement that can be enhanced through remedial massage

Let's delve into some specifics. Here are a few examples of yoga poses and how remedial massage can enhance their execution:

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): This whole-body stretch works the deltoids, hamstrings, calves, and muscles in the hands and feet. If these muscles are tight or imbalanced, achieving full extension and alignment in the pose may be challenging. Regular remedial massage can help release tension in these muscles, improving their flexibility and endurance. This enhancement can deepen your Downward Dog, allowing you to engage your muscles better and reap the pose's full benefits.

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): Warrior II strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles while engaging the muscles in the shoulders, neck, and torso. If muscular imbalances or tension exist in these areas, they could limit the depth and efficacy of the pose. Remedial massage can address these issues by relieving tension, realigning muscle fibres, and enhancing muscle tone. The result is a more powerful and grounded Warrior II, with improved stability and balance.

Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana): This intense hip opener can be challenging, especially if there's tightness in your hip flexors and rotators. Tight hip muscles can limit your range of motion and may even cause discomfort or injury in this and other hip-opening poses. Techniques used in remedial massage, such as trigger point therapy and myofascial release, can specifically target these tight areas, releasing tension and increasing flexibility. With regular massage, you may find you can sit deeper into Pigeon Pose, leading to a more effective hip opening and a greater sense of relaxation and release.

Concluding Thoughts: Unifying Yoga and Remedial Massage

Merging yoga with remedial massage forms a potent wellness duo that not only amplifies your physical flexibility and strength but also bolsters your holistic well-being and mindfulness. Always remember to listen to your body and consult with your remedial massage therapist and yoga instructor to find the balance that best fits your needs.

Finally, remember that science is catching up with what practitioners of yoga and remedial massage have known for centuries - these two practices in tandem can bring about enhanced wellness, flexibility, and peace. So, whether you're as flexible as a gum-tree like me, or you can master the most intricate poses, let's embrace this synergy and embark on a journey of balanced well-being. Together, remedial massage and yoga make a dynamic duo that can augment your physical flexibility, overall well-being, and mindfulness. I've discovered this truth in my own journey, and I can't wait for you to experience the benefits as well.


Best TM, Hunter R, Wilcox A, Haq F. Effectiveness of sports massage for recovery of skeletal muscle from strenuous exercise. Clin J Sport Med. 2008 Sep;18(5):446-60. doi: 10.1097/JSM.0b013e31818837a1. PMID: 18806553.

Poppendieck W, Wegmann M, Ferrauti A, Kellmann M, Pfeiffer M, Meyer T. Massage and Performance Recovery: A Meta-Analytical Review. Sports Med. 2016 Feb;46(2):183-204. doi: 10.1007/s40279-015-0420-x. PMID: 26744335.

Weerapong P, Hume PA, Kolt GS. The mechanisms of massage and effects on performance, muscle recovery and injury prevention. Sports Med. 2005;35(3):235-56. doi: 10.2165/00007256-200535030-00004. PMID: 15730338.


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